If your question isn’t addressed here, feel free to contact me. Thanks!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Silver Elves pronounce it: lī-rĕ-lĭn / LIE-reh-LIN
I am currently only able to ship to within the United States, but I will be adding many countries to that list soon!
I do! If you love my style but don’t see the subject that you’re looking for, I can create something for you. Price will be arrived at based on the size and complexity of the artwork; generally, base price is $1.50/ square inch. A 50% non-refundable deposit is required before I start the work, with the remaining 50% plus shipping due on completion. Please contact me for more info.
No. According to US copyright law, I retain copyright of the image unless you purchase a license from me. This costs considerably more than the physical artwork. If you’re interested in licensing my artwork, send me an e-mail and we’ll talk!