24 x 48″ Gallery Wrapped… Potential

That’s right, my friends. I have just received via post not one, not three, but six big beautiful gallery-wrapped canvases!

My ideas for them include chunky-textured brushstrokes for the backgrounds, in green, teal, fuchsia, and all kinds of iridescence. I will have to up my game in photography if I want to get reliable pictures of these paintings (metallics and iridescents being notoriously hard to capture). But I consider it well worth it. Like some sort of fairy magpie, I feel I am making everyone’s lives better by infusing the visual field with glitter and sparkle.

For the foreground I’m imagining some sort of reclining figures and subtly dangerous creatures, but I’m not ready to commit beyond those glorious backgrounds just yet. Past experience indicates that the right ideas and shapes will suggest themselves as the background builds. Following those sorts of intuitions makes a painting feel alive and active to me. In the spirit of Spring, I want to develop that feeling as much as possible.

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